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Edit Toolbar

 Edit Toolbar
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The Edit toolbar has some basic tools that we expect you will want to use frequently.


Edit Toolbar

Copy copy-button

Click this button to put whatever is in your selection into your clipboard.

Cut cut-button

This button is like the copy button in that your selection is put into your clipboard; however, your selection is erased from its original place on the image.

Paste paste-button

Click this button to put the contents of your clipboard onto your image.

Undo undo-button

If you change your mind about your last image edit, click the Undo button.

Redo redo-button

Change your mind again? Click the Redo button to undo what you have just undone.

Erase erase-button

This tool is useful for removing unwanted material from an image - for example, fax time and page stamps.


1.Click on the Erase tool to make it active - it will have a red glow around it.
2.Now draw a selection of the area you want erased.


Note that if you are wanting to erase speckles and lines, there are automated filter tools for that.

Invert invert-buttonbmp

Click this button to inverse the colors. This means that white pixels will become black; black becomes white; and you can look below at an example of how inverted colors appear.


eg-pre-color-inversion eg-post-color-inversion

Example of Color Inversion

Border Removal border-removal-button

Clicking on this button will automatically detect and remove borders on the selected page or pages.


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