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Processing Barcode Images

 Processing Barcode Images
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The Barcodes toolbar holds the controls for processing barcode images. This toolbar can float anywhere in your window, or it can be docked in the top pane.


Barcodes Toolbar

Once you have scanned your images into the tree with your barcode separator documents, you will want to have those barcodes recognized in your image tree.

There is a one-step barcode processing button on the far right of the toolbarone-step-barcode-processing, and there are three buttons on the left side of the toolbar that allow you process the barcodes in three separate steps. We will review the three-step process first in order to understand the details better.

Detect Barcodes detect-barcodes

This first step instructs ELAN Capture to examine all the images for barcodes. Before it begins, it will present the following dialog box to you.


Start Barcode Detection Dialog

Detect in selected area only: You may have barcodes on your images that you do not want ELAN Capture to examine because they do not pertain to your tree hierarchy. In this case, click on a separator sheet that you would like detected and drag the crosshairs in the image pane to indicate the coordinates of the region you would like examined.



Selecting the Barcode Detection Area

Delete existing barcode lists: Once you have detected barcodes, the barcode identifiers are indicated in the Lists column. Check this box if you want this previous barcode information removed.



Barcode List Information

Click OK to start the detection process or Cancel to close the dialog box without executing the detection command.

You will see where barcodes have been detected by the appearance of the barcode identifiers in the Lists column of the image tree.

Create Hierarchy create-hierarchy

The second step is to translate the barcode identifiers into a tree of images. ELAN Capture will use the settings you indicated in the Barcode Setup dialog to create levels from the barcode information it has detected.


Create Barcode Hierarchy Dialog

When you click on the Create Hierarchy button, the Create Barcode Hierarchy dialog box will open. Here you can choose whether or not you want to remove any levels that are already in your image tree.

Click OK to go ahead with the command or Cancel to close the dialog box without creating a new hierarchy.

The result will be a tree of images organized according to the barcode information indicated in the Lists column.


Tree Created & Barcode Images Remain

Remove Barcode Pages remove-barcode-pages-button

In most (but not all) cases, you will want to remove those barcode separator pages from your scanning job. Click on the Remove Barcode Pages button to initiate this process, and ELAN Capture will present a dialog box with two options.


Remove Barcodes Dialog


Remove list items only means that the barcode images will be removed from your scanning job. They will not appear in the image tree nor will they be included when you save the images to another file. However, the original barcode image file will remain in the job folder. This option allows you to reuse the barcode image without having to rescan it.


Remove list items and barcode files will remove the barcode image from your tree and from your job folder.


Click OK to continue with removing the barcodes, or click Cancel to abort this process and close the dialog box.


Full Process full-process-button

Here is the shortcut for those jobs where the barcode processing is straight forward. Use this button to have ELAN Capture recognize the barcode images, create the image tree hierarchy and then delete the barcodes from your job.


The One-Step Barcode Processing Dialog

When you click the Full Process button, the One-step barcode processing dialog will open. As with the first Detect Barcodes button, you can indicate a specific area to be searched for barcodes. Also, as with the Remove Barcodes button, you can choose to leave the barcode files or delete them.

Once you've indicated your choices, click OK to proceed with the barcode processing or Cancel to close the dialog box without executing the command.

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