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Creating Barcode Separator Sheets

 Creating Barcode Separator Sheets
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Your Elan consultant will provide you with barcode separator sheets when ELAN Capture is installed at your location. When you need more created, you should know that the barcode images are very precise, and most photocopiers cannot reproduce them very well. So, rather than photocopying more sheets, please use the barcode image files to print more separator sheets with your laser printer.

Your Elan consultant would have saved a copy of these files with the original installation files. They are also available from the Elan FTP site at If you have trouble finding them, please don't hesitate to contact your Elan support representative.

1.Double-click on the barcode separate sheet you want to reproduce. The file will open in your default application for .bmp images such as Microsoft Office Document Imaging.
2.Print the file using a laser printer.


Helpful tip: the barcode separator sheets can be re-used again and again. It's easier to pull the separator sheets out of your scanned images if the separator sheets are printed on colored paper.

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